Vested Staked PANIC

Once in a farming position you can collect your rewards at any time, in doing so these are moved into the Vested Staked PANIC pool.

This is viewable at

The Staked PANIC Box will display the full amount of 'Staked & vested' PANIC you have. Whilst here the full amount of this PANIC is accruing yvWFTM rewards that are shared as a distribution of the 100% of platform fees that are shared with PANIC stakers.

If users scroll down this page they can see these pending yvWFTM rewards. These are viewable in the middle row, with the yvWFTM amount increasing as platform fees build.

Alternatively users can exit their vesting position. This is by selecting the 'Exit' button on the table above. Note that when exiting vesting prior to the 2 year vesting period a user will be taxed 50% of all eligible rewards, which are then redistributed to Staked and Locked PANIC stakers.

Last updated