Locked Staking

Locked staking is an option for those who hold the PANIC token and wish to lock it in our staking contract to gain exposure to greater rewards.

It is important to note that users who stake and lock in this contract will have their PANIC locked for a period of 2 years. In doing this however they gain rewards from several different sources.

Firstly they are staking their PANIC, so can claim yvWFTM at any time as a share of platform fees. They are also able to claim PANIC that is taxed from farmers who exit the vesting period of their farming rewards early. This is a 50% tax, and is claimable at any time and unlocked in its entirety.

This tax that is taken from farmers unlocking early is shared amongst locked PANIC stakers equally. If you have 1% of all the staked and locked PANIC you are eligible for 1% of the rewards.

This locked staking, although coming with a lockup period for your PANIC, has seen very high APR of > 1000% meaning lockers are seeing their deposit (or amount of PANIC they lock) returned, well before the end of the lockup period.

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